IT Support

Sanmai Tech provides IT Support that is designed around your business. We can tailor our service to your business and it's needs to make sure that you receive all the support you need to help your business succeed.


Support from Sanmai Tech means that you can relax, knowing that all of your systems are looked after by professionals.

We offer solutions that include everything from designing a company-wide IT policy through to infrastructure design and installation. (PCs, printers, data storage, backups etc.)

We also offer consultancy services, allowing you to receive our expert advice and experience to guide you and ensure you are choosing the best possible technology solutions for your business.

If you have an existing skill-base we can work with your team, listening to their needs and working alongside them to achieve the best results.

We offer flexible, cost-effective and professional IT Support to leading businesses across the UK and we look forward to working with you.

IT Consultancy

When working with us we look closely at your company’s goals, existing IT systems, the industry you are in, your growth and expansion plans, you budget and then select the technologies that can help you the best.


Our services include:-

  • Strategic IT Planning
  • IT Project Management
  • Backup and Disaster Recovery planning
  • Network design and installation
  • Full Hardware and Software audits
  • Security Analysis
  • Anti-Virus recommendation and Virus protection strategies
  • Virtual environments and remote office solutions (allowing you to reduce the need for servers on-site and the maintenance costs they incur)

Our clients find our consultancy services to be effective and useful as we can help identify what is working and what isn’t working within their businesses.

Even the UK’s leading businesses can find themselves held back by outdated or inappropriate computer systems, software and network infrastructure.

As we are an independent IT consultancy we can make recommendations from any provider or supplier, leaving you safe in the knowledge that you got the best solution for your business, both now and in the future.

Server Support from Sanmai Tech

Your Server is the most essential part of your business’s IT systems and must always be kept working to ensure no disruption to your business. But Server failures are not the only problem, without proper maintenance Servers can easily start running slowly and it only takes a couple of hours of poor performance on a Server for your Business to start missing important deadlines.

Even if you have your own in-house team our proactive Server maintenance is a must to ensure that your Server is always running at it’s best. We can work either remotely or on-site, making sure that Operating Systems (i.e. Windows Server) are always kept up to date.

We also make sure that your firewall and antivirus software is always up to date, to keep your business protected at all times.

As part of this service we also ensure that your backups and disaster recovery solutions are working correctly, protecting your business should a disaster occur.

Often your business will out-grow it’s current Server, we can help upgrade or supply a new Server if required and install and configure it to your company’s requirements.

Server Support Contracts

NetDec’s Server support services are available as part of our tailored IT support contracts, allowing you to pay monthly for your support needs.

Outsource your IT to Sanmai Tech

For most businesses outsourcing the management and maintenance of your IT is a far more cost-effective solution. Having access to a team of skilled engineers and IT consultants is a must for any business, but often fat too expensive to operate internally.

Outsourcing some or all of your IT support is an efficient way to fill skill gaps within your business.

If you have an internal IT support team already it is also reassuring to have an external team available to cover holidays, sickness or sudden changes in your IT support requirements.

We can provision more resources to your business hundreds of times quicker than you can hire a new IT support team member when they are needed, allowing you to grow effortlessly.

Benefits of outsourcing to Sanmai Tech

We like to get to really know and understand your business and work with you, so you think of us as part of your team. Outsourcing to NetDec has many benefits including: -

  • Financial Savings
  • Access to a wider skill set and a team with over 15 years of experience
  • No time wasted trying to fix a problem yourself
  • Higher standards of work due to our Service Level Agreement (SLA)
  • Always being up to date with industry best practices and legal requirements
  • Continuous updating of skills and qualifications of the team.


Sanmai Technologies and Marketing LTD 

College House, 2nd Floor,17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London – HA4 7AE

All rights reserved. Company Reg No : 11380495

ICO: ZB102123

All images on this website are for illustrative purposes only.

© 2023 Sanmai Technologies and Marketing Ltd